

We’ve learned a lot since we got our start in Customer / User Experience Design. Name the industry and we’ve probably gotten some experience in it! We’ve worked on projects that have had us designing electronic medical records, financial institution services and applications, large media conglomerate social media presence, applications for utilities and public works systems, and all kind of efforts involving the federal government. We’ve been fortunate to explore a lot, and that perspective helps us tackle just about any challenge today.

Our agents have written books about User/Customer-centered fundamentals, research, facilitation, planning for and speaking at events, and leadership, while continuing to hone their skills. We’ve attended hundreds of events of all kinds, primarily as speakers, workshop leaders, facilitators, and of course, as attendees–in addition to producing and consulting on multiple events per year for over the past decade.

In addition, our consulting experience has had helping to lead organizational transformation for businesses from SMB to the enterprise.

Our experience includes, and is not limited to:

We’ve done a lot–and there’s a lot more that we can do. Let’s talk about the right way to partner to help improve whatever experience you’re working on!